User ManualsProduction › How to create Production Order manually for Component?

Working with Components List of existing Production Order, You can create a new Production Order for any Component (semi-product) that have the own Product Structure.  In order to create a new Production Order for Component, User can optionally change some predefined Production Order Parameters using special dialog.  Some additional options can be also activated or deactivated in this dialog:

  • The Part Number for selected Component, Modification and Version of Product Structure for the new Production Order are displayed in the “Production Order Parameters” dialog and cannot be changed.  Please remember, that only active Version of Product Structure with "Approved" Status can be used to create a new Production Order.  Moreover, the Validity Period of such Product Structure should correspond to planned production period.  Otherwise, User will be notified about problem by corresponding error message after attempt to create a new Order.
  • The mandatory Due Date should be specified explicitly for the new Production Order.  By default, this date is specified as a Date when the Component is required for the higher level Production Order (e.g. Start Date of linked Operation or Start Date of higher level Production Order).  The Due Date can be optionally changed if necessary.
  • By default, the Start Date for the new Production Order is empty but can be optionally specified.  If the Start Date will be specified explicitly, then the new Production Order will be scheduled automatically using “From startPlanning State.  In such case, the End Date for Production Order will be calculated automatically using assigned Routing or corresponding Lead Time parameter specified for selected Product Structure (if Routing is undefined).
  • If the Start Date is undefined, then the new Production Order will be scheduled automatically using “From endPlanning State.  In such case, the End Date for Production Order will be calculated automatically as the end of previous working day before specified Due Date.  The Start Date for Production Order will be calculated automatically using assigned Routing or corresponding Lead Time parameter specified for selected Product Structure (if Routing is undefined).
  • By default, the mandatory Quantity of Product that should be produced by the new Production Order is populated by original demand from the selected Component Line.  This Quantity can be optionally changed if necessary.
  • By default, the Production Order will be created not only for explicitly selected Component, but also for related semi-products (Components with own Product Structures marked by “Separate Product” Boolean flag).  In such case, the new Production Orders for semi-products will have the SAME Order Number and automatically incremented Release Numbers.  If You don’t need to create Production Orders for semi-products, just switch off “Create orders for semi-products” check box.
  • If the possibility to create Production Orders for semi-products is activated, then free (not reserved) available quantity of semi-products will be taken into account to calculate corresponding Ordered Quantity for such Orders.  If You prefer to create Production Orders for semi-products using only original demand and ignoring available stock, just switch off “Consider free quantity of semi-products in stock” check box.

When the initiated process will be finished successfully, User will be notified about created Production Order for Component.  The new Production Order for Component should have the SAME Order Number as an original Production Order and the next automatically incremented Release Number.